Full Arch Replacement - The Permanent Solution for Missing Teeth

Mono Implant Centers offers full arch replacement as a permanent solution for missing teeth. This tooth replacement treatment procedure is particularly beneficial for those with an entire arch of lost teeth or those unhappy with their full removable denture. By placing four to six implants, a full arch overdenture can be secured in place, providing a natural look and feel far superior to a traditional full denture. This is also a low-price solution compared to other available options. In addition to being a long-term, reliable solution to tooth loss, the full arch replacement procedure typically requires fewer visits than other implant solutions. Whether you need a single tooth or a removable overdenture, the full arch replacement procedure is ideal for anyone suffering from tooth loss.

What is Full Arch Replacement?

Full arch replacement, also known as an implant-supported denture or fixed bridge, is a comprehensive dental procedure that involves the installation of titanium posts into the jawbone to support a full set of replacement teeth. Unlike removable dentures, which can cause discomfort, denture movement, and a compromised sense of taste, full arch replacement offers a permanent and secure solution for individuals with missing teeth. With this treatment, the entire arch of teeth, whether in the upper jaw or lower jaw, can be restored, providing excellent aesthetics and functionality.

The Full Arch Replacement Procedure:

Initial Consultation and Assessment:

The first step in the full arch replacement process is a comprehensive consultation with our experienced dental team. We will assess your condition, evaluate your oral health, and discuss your goals and expectations. This personalized approach allows us to create a tailored treatment plan to meet your needs.

Tooth Extractions and Implant Placement:

Our skilled professionals will perform tooth extractions with precision and care if tooth extractions are required. After the extractions, titanium posts, or dental implants, will be strategically placed in the jawbone. These implants are sturdy foundations for full arch replacement and ensure long-term stability.

Temporary Teeth and Healing Period:

Temporary restorations will be placed on the implants to protect the gums during the healing process and provide functional teeth. This enables patients to maintain their daily activities and enjoy the benefits of a temporary fixed solution.

Customized Final Restoration:

After the healing period, which typically lasts a few months, impressions of your jaw will be taken to create a custom-fitted, permanent full arch replacement. Our state-of-the-art technology and skilled technicians ensure that the result is a restoration that seamlessly blends with your natural teeth, providing an aesthetically pleasing smile.

Benefits of Full Arch Replacement:

Why Choose Full Arch Replacement at Mono Implant Centers?

At Mono Implant Centers, we specialize in providing the highest quality full arch replacement treatments. Here's why our approach stands out:

Full Arch Replacement vs. Traditional Dentures

Traditional removable full dentures have long been an old-fashioned solution for replacing a full arch of teeth. They often come with several disadvantages, such as denture movement, sore gums, and a reduced sense of taste. In contrast, full arch replacement provides numerous real advantages:

Is Full Arch Replacement Right for You?

If you answered yes to these questions, then full arch replacement may be the right solution. Consult your dentist to determine if it is the best option for your dental needs.

Experience the Superior Alternative to All-on-4

Full arch replacement is superior to All-on-4 for those seeking a permanent, fixed solution. Unlike All-on-4, which relies on only four implants for support, full arch replacement uses up to six implants for added stability and durability. This translates to a more comfortable and long-lasting solution that can withstand the rigors of everyday use. Additionally, full arch replacement offers a more esthetically pleasing result as it closely resembles your natural teeth.

The Full Arch FP1 Implant Replacement: A Breakthrough Solution

Our Full Arch FP1 Implant Replacement takes dental implant technology to the next level, delivering exceptional results for our patients. Here's why it stands out:

Enhanced Stability and Support

Unlike the All-on-4 technique, which relies on only four implants, our Full Arch FP1 Implant Replacement ensures maximum support and stability by utilizing 8-14 dental implants per arch. This 1:1 ratio between implants and teeth closely mimics the natural roots of your teeth, providing superior structural support. With a securely anchored restoration, you can enjoy increased chewing efficiency and confidence in your smile.

Minimized Risks and Complications

The All-on-4 procedure involves the removal of significant amounts of the jawbone, which can lead to postoperative discomfort and complications. In contrast, our Full Arch FP1 Implant Replacement eliminates the need for painful bone removal. We focus on preserving both bone and gum tissue during implantation, minimizing the risk of complications and ensuring a more comfortable recovery process.

Longevity and Durability

Our Full Arch FP1 Implant Replacement follows time-tested dental crown and bridge construction principles that have proven effective for over 60 years. By overbuilding the prosthesis, we ensure a longer lifespan and greater strength. Unlike All-on-4, whose unsupported wings can easily fracture and require additional implants, our solution offers a more durable and reliable long-term result.

Improved Aesthetics and Oral Hygiene

With Full Arch FP1 Implant Replacement, we prioritize the functionality and aesthetics of your smile. Our customized zirconia bridges fit seamlessly into your gums, preserving natural gum contours and creating a more pleasing appearance. Additionally, the snug fit eliminates gaps and crevices where food particles can become trapped, making it easier to maintain optimal oral hygiene.

Affordable Excellence

At Mono Implant Centers, everyone deserves access to high-quality dental care. That's why we offer the Full Arch FP1 Implant Replacement at a significantly lower cost than All-on-4. You can achieve the same quality and materials while enjoying cost savings. We are committed to providing exceptional value without compromising on the excellence of our services.

Trust the Experts at Mono Implant Centers

With our team of experienced implantologists and cutting-edge technology, Mono Implant Centers is dedicated to delivering the best possible outcomes for our patients. Our full arch replacement solutions offer a permanent, aesthetically pleasing, and functional result for those seeking a superior alternative to traditional dentures or All-on-4.

Don't settle for less regarding your oral health and smile. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and discover the transformative benefits of our Full Arch FP1 Implant Replacement. Say goodbye to the challenges of missing teeth and embrace a permanent solution that restores your confidence and quality of life.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

If you seek the best permanent solution for missing teeth, full arch replacement at Mono Implant Centers is ideal. Our team of experienced implantologists is ready to guide you through the process, ensuring a comfortable and successful treatment journey. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation and take the first step towards a beautiful, functional, and confident smile.

Full Arch FP1 Implant Replacement - The Superior Alternative to All-on-4 

Discover The Holy Grail of Dental Implants

Which Condition Best Describes You

Missing one tooth

Missing multiple teeth
Struggling with traditional dentures
Most of my teeth are in pretty bad shape

Get A Preliminary Quote


No Need For Painful Bone Removal - Discover the Holy Grail Of Dental Implants

All-On-4 may promise a permanent, roundhouse solution — but it comes with a price. Removing large amounts of jawbone, post-operative pain and swelling, costly fees and severely underbuilt prosthetics are all things patients should consider before making the choice to go All-On-4.

Our team of implantologists have gone above and beyond to discover an alternative: the holy grail of dental implants that eliminates the need for painful bone removal, provide secure structural support for lifelong success, and offer unrivaled value compared to its All-On-4 counterpart — without sacrificing quality or performance.

Invasive Procedure, Post-Operative Discomfort, and Irreversible Tragedy - The Dangers of All-on-4

All-On-4 poses a threat to those we love and care about.


Because it requires the painful removal of large amounts of precious jawbone (upwards of 3/4 of an inch thick of jawbone is resected off) - a resource that can't be replaced if even one implant fails. It's not only an invasive procedure that leaves behind long-lasting post-operative pain and discomfort but can also cause catastrophic results with no viable fixed option in sight. In other words, All-On-4 has all the makings of an irreversible tragedy — something no one wants to experience.

With the All-On-4 prosthesis, the position of the implants creates long unsupported cantilevered wings which replace your back teeth. If these wings are not adequately thick, they can easily fracture and break off over time — a problem that can only be solved with more implants. In essence, this treatment puts patients in a vulnerable position where they have no protection against a total loss.

All-On-4 is by far the costliest treatment in modern dentistry, with an average price tag between $31,000 and $35,000 per arch — or an even higher cost of up to $70,000 for a full mouth makeover. While this treatment offers a lot of value — returning the ability to eat well and enjoy meals — its hefty price can be difficult to justify considering it's only supported by four implants that don't guarantee long-term success.
Twitter Picture Of All-on-4 Surgery

Pursue a 1:1 Ratio for Maximum Support and Stability With All-on1 Mono Dental Implants

At Mono Implant Centers, we believe it's essential to restore the natural ratio of dental implants and teeth, closely resembling what one is born with — 14-16 natural roots. That's why we offer a full arch zirconia FP1 prosthesis on 10-12 dental implants for a better alternative.

Our full arch dental implant solution is designed to significantly exceed the standard All-On-4 prosthesis. We strive for a 1:1 ratio between dental implants and teeth in each arch, with a minimum of 8 – and often as many as 12 to 14 – implants installed per arch. Our solution is instantly superior in many ways: greater stability, fewer complications and improved support for your teeth are just a few of its numerous benefits.

By overbuilding the prosthesis, our solution ensures a longer lifespan and greater strength than All-On-4. This is based on long-standing principles of dental crown and bridge construction that have been proven effective for over 60 years. There are no unsupported spans or cantilevered bridges to weaken the implant system.

Schedule A FREE Consultation  616-207-7878

Another Benefit is Snug fit Bridges Eliminates Any Gaps or Crevices, Achieving Greater Oral Hygiene

Our All-on-1 full arch dental implant solution ensures that your overall hygiene is greatly improved.

Since there is a 1:1 ratio between implants and teeth in each arch, food particles are much less likely to become lodged underneath the bridge.

Additionally, your gums fit snugly against the bridge in a way that more closely mimics natural tooth structure. All of this makes it easier to keep the prosthesis clean and maintain proper oral hygiene.

Achieve 1:1 Ratio Between Implants and Teeth For Maximum Reliability

With Mono Implant Centers, you can rest assured that your implant solution will be future-proof and long-lasting. We strive for a 1:1 ratio between implants and teeth in each arch so that if one implant fails for any reason, the prosthesis remains intact and able to be repaired without having to start over from scratch.

Minor surgery can easily remove the failed implant, section it out of the bridge and regraft the area. With the All-on-4 system, if an implant fails, or the bitewing breaks, you must replace the prothesis, repair the implant, and bear the costs all over again.

Our All-on-1 system provides an unparalleled level of reliability not offered by traditional All-On-4 solutions.

Get the Benefits of Flapless Implant Surgery at Mono Implant Centers

At Mono Implant Centers, we use a completely flapless surgery when placing our implants.

In contrast to All-On-4 treatments where gums are completely flapped back from the jawbone, causing increased post-operative pain, we keep the gums completely intact for a more natural look and feel. This is achieved through careful extraction techniques that maintain the shape of your papillae and gum contours for a more natural-looking full arch prosthesis.

This is an additional benefit that is not offered with All-On-4 solutions.

Schedule A FREE Consultation  616-207-7878

Superior Aesthetic Results with Mono Implant Centers FP! Prosthesis Compared to All-on-4's Unnatural FP3 Prosthesis

At Mono Implant Centers, our All-on-1 FP1 full arch prosthesis provides superior aesthetic results compared to All-on-4 solutions. All-on-4 offers an FP3 prosthesis, consisting of "teeth and pink gums". This solution is not as aesthetically pleasing as FP1, which preserves your natural gum contours.  

With this technique, the zirconia bridges fit like puzzle pieces into the gums for an aesthetically pleasing result. This is made possible by our commitment to preserving both bone and gums during implantation - a benefit that All-on-4 does not offer.

All-on-1 Mono Dental Implants - Aesthetically Pleasing Results, and Cost Savings

At Mono Implant Centers, you are getting the same quality materials and prostheses as All-On-4, but for 25-40% less.

Plus, we place two to three times the number of dental implants in your mouth compared with just four from All-On-4.

Combined with our commitment to preserving bone and gums for an aesthetically pleasing result - this makes Mono Implant Centers value proposition superior in every way.

Schedule A FREE Consultation  616-207-7878