Mono Implant Centers - The Next Revolution in Implant Dentistry

Do you know about mono dental implants and how they're transforming the world of implant dentistry? As their name suggests, Mono dental implants are smaller in diameter than conventional implants, allowing for precise placement in narrower areas and creating less disturbance to the bone and surrounding tissues. We're proud to be at the forefront of this revolution in implant dentistry.

The Mono Dental Implant Difference

Mono dental implants are an excellent solution for many patients with insufficient bone density for conventional implants. They require a less invasive procedure and are generally less expensive than their conventional counterparts. Here are a few reasons why patients and implant dentistry professionals are gravitating toward mini dental implants:

Mono Implants Centers: A Leap Forward

We leverage the advantages of mini dental implants to provide superior outcomes for our patients. With our Implant system, we are raising the bar for mini implant dentistry.

How Does the All-on-1 System Work?

Our All-on-1 Mono Implant system integrates the advantages of mini dental implants into a full-arch replacement procedure. As a result, our patients enjoy the benefits of a secure, natural bite while avoiding the need for invasive surgeries or bone grafts.

But how do mini dental implants compare to crowns or conventional implants? To answer this, we've listed a few points to consider:

Mono Dental Implants and Mini Dental Implant Centers of America

Mono Implant Centers is part of the Dental Implant, a group dedicated to advancing the practice of mini-implant dentistry. As part of this network, we can access cutting-edge techniques and technology, ensuring our patients receive the best possible care.

Questions You Might Have about Mono Dental Implants

You might still have questions about mini dental implants. Here are answers to some of the most commonly asked questions:

Mini dental implants offer similar durability and function as conventional implants but are less invasive and often more cost-effective.

This depends on your circumstances, such as bone density, oral health, and specific needs. We recommend scheduling a consultation at Mono Implant Centers to discuss your options.

Are You Eligible For Dental Implants? 

Save up to 50% compared to All-on-4

Which Condition Best Describes You?

Missing one tooth

Missing multiple teeth
Struggling with traditional dentures
Most of my teeth are in pretty bad shape

Get A Preliminary Quote


"Get Full Arch Dental Implants Without Bone Grafts for 1/2 the Price"

It’s true…

There is a new dental implant system that’s superior to the All-on-4 implant system.

Now you can get that life-changing natural bite with the most conservative surgical technique ever done with dental implants and… save up to 50% of the cost compared to All-on-4 systems.

It’s called the All-on-1 Mono Implant system.

And it is very different from the common implant systems you’re likely familiar with because the implants are custom fit directly into the sockets of extracted teeth and into narrow areas… securing the implant into the stronger denser bone of the jaw.

And as you’ll see, the extraction and implant placement can be preformed in one appointment, and you’ll walk out with a beautiful, fixed healing prosthesis.

Best part of all, it doesn’t require you to have parts of your jawbone whittled away to make room for the thick All-0n-4 prosthesis or undergo a more aggressive surgery creating what’s called a surgical flap.

And you can eat anything you want regardless of whether you currently have dentures or failing dentition.

So, if you want a superior implant system, you’ll want to pay close attention to what I’m about to share with you.

Schedule A FREE Consultation  616-207-7878

Let me explain the difference between the All-0n-1 Mono Implant system and the All-on-4 implants and All-on-X systems used by other dental implant dentists in the U.S.

First, the All-on-1 Mono Implants are designed to be placed into narrow areas to engage in a patient’s stronger denser bone.
They don’t require us to remove healthy bone to make room for the Implant-Prosthesis system. This has always been a problem for other implant systems that have to remove some of your healthy bone to make way for the over-bulked zirconia prosthesis.

We have proudly developed a Zero-Bone-Removal protocol when we place the All-on-1 Mono Dental Implant system.

Because of this, there is less post-operative pain and swelling, and it preserves the maximum amount of your body’s natural bone.

Second, the All-0n-1 Mono Implants are placed without a surgical flap, maintaining blood supply to the area, further decreasing post-op pain and providing better healing.

This is similar to recovering from arthroscopic surgery on your knee, compared to the recover if a surgeon made a 6-inch-long incision to work on your knee. There is less pain and a shorter recovery time.
Here is an example of an All-on-4 implants procedure that was shared on Twitter.

It's our belief that if there is a superior solution, that doesn't require aggressive surgery to make room for the implant system.

All-on-1 Mono Implants can be placed without removing healthy bone to make way for the implant, and without making a surgical flap.

Third, the All-on-1 Mono Implant can be placed directly into the socket of an extracted tooth to gain superior stability by securing it into the dense socket bone.

This is far superior to placing the implant into a softer, spongy bone which occurs with other implant systems.
Think of it this way.
Which is more secure, driving a screw into an oak board, or screwing it into a plaster wall?

Fourth, the middle connection system (most often called the abutment) is built into the mono implant, negating the extremely high overhead expense to the entire system.

This is a major reason why the All-on-4 system is so expensive, because there are more separate expensive components there is an additional overhead cost to the implants.
This means our solution costs far less and is affordable for more patients.

Fifth, All-on-1 mono implants are much stronger and more durable because there are no screws that can come loose over time (20% - 30% of the abutment screws come loose over time with other systems).

Our system is constructed of solid titanium for more strength compared to current implants that are hollowed out to make room for the internal abutment screw.

Lastly, the All-on-1 Mono Implant system creates less bulk in your upper lip area, making it look more natural.

The system allows for the construction of a more-conservative, FP1 bridge-style custom zirconia prosthesis compared to a FP3 prothesis that is half teeth and half pink gum tissue. 
Dr. Jared Van Ittersum, "Let me tie this together by saying that if I had to choose the best implant system for my wife, my mother, my father, my brother or sister, or even for myself, I would without hesitation choose the All-on-1 Mono Implant System."

It is stronger

It avoids the problem of abutment screws coming loose over time

It requires less surgery (less cutting)

It doesn't require removing large parts of your jawbone to make room for the prosthesis

It is less painful and heals faster

It costs less than All-on-4 and All-on-X systems

You don't have to get dental implants in Mexico to save money

Our mission is to make this revolutionary, life-changing solution affordable and available to more people and with our flexible financing plans, we can help fit them into you lifestyle.

How do All-on-1 mono dental implants compare to dentures?

Unlike dentures, you don’t have them slipping in your mouth, forcing you to eat soft foods or puree your meals. 

With dentures you normally only retain 30% of your bite. With implants, it’s back to 100% so you can eat anything you want.

You don’t clean them by removing them as you do with normal dentures, you treat them just the same as you would your own teeth.

And because there is no plastic denture covering your upper palate, you’ll be able to enjoy the taste of food again.

Dental implants appear and function just like teeth

Ability to chew and taste all foods

Prevents sunken jaw appearance due to missing teeth

Talk with confidence... no slippage

Prevents the breakdown of soft tissue that can result from ill-fitting traditional dentures

Stops the jawbone deterioration that results from missing teeth

You're probably wondering what dental implants cost?

You can complete the Get A Preliminary Quote at the top of the page to give you an estimate based on the few questions we ask.

We offer a FREE Consultation at which time we are able to take digital x-rays and evaluate your condition further. At that consult, we will be able to give you an accurate price.

We offer a dental implants payment plan that will meet almost everybody's budget. During your free consultation, we will have you work with our dental implants financing coordinator to design a payment plan that's just right for you.

Whether you have failing teeth, or you currently wear a loose denture, choosing a fixed implant full arch solution will add years to your life. 

By being able to eat what you want, by being able to eat more nutritious, well-rounded meals, and to smile with confidence, you will improve your overall physical and mental health immensely.


We'll help provide recommendations for hotel and transportation services when you visit the beautiful Lake Michigan shoreline of West Michigan during your complimentary consult visit.
Now that you know your options, complete this short evaluation to see:
1. If you are eligible for dental implants
2. Which implant system is best for you
3. General investment for each system

Click Here To Take The Evaluation